Handicap accessible sidewalk was added to original design of sidewalk and handicap parking space.
New design for 2018 includes a handicap accessible entrance and parking, modular add on bowl depending on fundraising level accomplished, lighting, water, and security.
This is the original design that we were working with in 2016-2018
City of Dubuque Website with further details
“Skateboarding teaches you to be resilient, if you work at skateboarding, but you have to stick with it. You get beat up, you get knocked down, you have to deal with the challenges and the environment you are skating.” —Kyle Bies
On February 20, 2017 the Dubuque City Council approved the location of Flora Park and design concept received by Pillar designs. No one spoke in opposition or asked questions about this during the meeting. Link to materials presented to City Council are here
To view all of the photos of the design click below(6MB file size):
Fee Breakdown of Pillar Services
TASK Description of Services Fee Amount I.a Define Scope, Budget & Collection of Materials $325 I.b Kick Off Meeting $450 I.c Evaluation of Current Skateparks $2,900 I.d Public Input Meetings $4,230 I.e Conceptual Designs $3,500 I.f Location Evaluation and Determination $2,500 I.g Fundraising and Approvals $950 Total Design Fee $14,855.00